Thursday, January 24, 2008

Introduction of Canada Philes

Some of the names of persons mentioned herein may be co-incidental and are not meant to cause any unjust implications that just happens to be without wrongful intent. The issues of risk in the matters are the only focus.

The general citizens of each region in each country, you and me, are the “true” police of our authorities. Under circumstances of slow “multi-generational Treason”, citizens would be wrongly taught, trained or “intimidated” from childhood to “not question” authority. If the public does not reject this passive principle conditioning, eventually, there would not be lawfulness, respect or security at all for country by authorities. Each person has an innate right and duty to “participate” in the overseeing of policing of authorities.
Politics are everyone’s business. Becoming knowledgeable citizens concerning the loopholes that cause problems and helping others to become knowledgeable by passing on knowledge, in unity, is the best way the “people” can protect the “people”. This joint problem solving together will strengthen our community’s “true and reliable” support and policing mechanisms. Public protection is peace. I challenge the officials in positions of control to address these loopholes in lack of public protection or on the alternative, those who remain silent, admit that they are and intend to commit or permit ongoing secret war crimes against the people.
To accept to live in blind trust is to leave your heart, life, children and children’s children on your sleeve. When “defending” against invasive High Treason, as with the possible Monarchies Freemason controlled organizations now appear, that is: …a secret, war infiltration in joint effort by conspiring individuals with common goals of unjust controls; you would study the “results” of the actions of the “individuals” involved. It can appear as though the system is broken. This study will look at the real possibility that the Freemason organization was kept alive for centuries by ascendants of the Monarchies, as a secret army of biologically related illegitimate royal adult, other commoner family members & associates recruited. Is there a group joined to commit Treason right now? It would be impossible to defend, if you didn’t know infiltrators could position themselves in a countries support systems. Could infiltrators pose under the guise of being general citizens, political leaders, next door neighbors, wives, husbands, friends or appearing to be of service or assistance, establishing trust, instead of rushing in, in army uniforms with guns? If you didn’t know, you could be relying on supports of the infiltrators, like a bewildered sitting duck when the plan is finally executed. What “true” resources & allies are available?
The monarchies appear to have been illegally infiltrating controls of other nations with loopholes in law strategically designed and illegally implemented for unfair foreign advantage, while enforcing control & industrialization to usurp & extort natural & human resources. This is contrary to the illusion of allowing violated nations “independence” from “secret organizational” tyrannical use and abuse. Liberties are granted to “her” majesty & the volume illegitimately & biologically related & appear to be posing as true Canadian with secret alternative allegiances, in Treason, illegally written into law & spinning the meanings of protection of true multicultural native citizens. When queen Elizabeth passes on, the imposter successor to that Monarchy would be “his” majesty, whom is not written into our laws. Independence means there are no controlling successors. If “his” majesty wished to unjustly force himself on another nation by writing his name into law, he would challenge the Constitution and right to freedom, equal to open declaration of war seizure. This monarchy may not be the true monarchy which family may have been victims of a family genocide at the hands of the ancestors of this monarchy. “Her” majesty’s position strongly appears to be a “falsely glorified excuse” used to allow loopholes that can grant above the law opportunity & power of connections to extort, rape and redirect our multicultural native land, resources and children.
In total of all parts of this public investigation, there will be a compiling of facts surrounding the imbalances of protections in societies, the individuals affected, those who are the cause and those in control of circumstances. This may create a clear picture of our native country under silent seizure by members of “cult like” criminal, co-assisting organizations. It may become clear that many nations are enduring similar infiltrations by the same “phantom” organizations. Does “New World Order” mean “Tyrannical Control”? How can the people police those who can be negligently considered above the law by gloried fairytales carried over centuries of imaginary royalty? Under the Constitution, everyone is equal.
Some people may think they just have bad luck. Everything at random just seems to go wrong. What if it wasn’t at random, and all the supports & friends you thought you had at random acquired had actually stalked you to become in position to execute a plan? Could criminal organizations target, stalk and infiltrate family lines of true citizens with malicious intent? What if criminal organizations had a disturbed idea in joint forces to control the world?
Under seizure of Treason, laws would be designed to attack the people slowly and unobviously and remove the right to defend. Pockets of people would be attacked at different time periods and the true facts twisted in the eyes of the public not yet affected. If you throw a frog into a pot of boiling water suddenly he will jump out, if you put him in cold water and slowly turn up the heat, he will sit there passively and cook to death. This principle can happen to entire populations. It is protective to do some investigative digging into overwhelming incidences of, so called, “bad luck”, a mind opening new perspective may emerge. Refusing “principles of silence” & to “tell” in unity for strength & sharing information can help protect future principles of our societies.
Some particular problems in society that need attention are: abductions, rapes and murders of woman & children, rights of children to have a legal voice against Children’s Aid’s regardless of age, attacks against our true Native leaders by contracted authorities with alternative allegiances, school shootings, sources of the drug problems, true reasons behind war, declining in quality of products, services, abuse of resources & environment, the theft of funds by entrusted politicians, misrepresentation & fraud by authorities hiding truth, access to fair elections and judges, false religions & cults, false criminalizing processes, property extortion & eroding levels of integrity.
Valuable and precious assets of a country is their children & their land. Attacking the children & extortion of property would be the main focus of a secret war plan. If the currency is misdirected by those entrusted, the people will become broke & lose their properties, security & children. The gross financial imbalances of our system may be intended to cause the loss of children to a, mischief seeking, phantom organized plan to take children & raise them to betray their own cultures. Canada, being multicultural could be a main base for this army raising and training.
Our officials have advertised through Trillium foundation support and funds, a crying out to the public? to “give the child a voice”, which is “equal benefit of law regardless of age”. It appears to be organizations enabling the advertisements that are controlling the loopholes removing the child’s voice. They seem to pose as protective activists for purposes of trust, secret control and concealment.
The additions I have added in “bold” are the lack of protections that can be contaminating any country in which the illegitimate monarchies are implementing criminal loophole control allowing themselves to victimize. We need to see & live reality to grasp why we need to remove the pictures, names and presence of the queen and Freemasons, in allegiances alternative to the countries best interest from our “money”, our laws that unjustly refer to or grant benefit, and their names off of our buildings, cities, towns & roadways, out of our courts, policing systems, politics & public services. Natural resources, hoarded funds that should be circulating for the public and extorted lands need to be taken back out of fraudulent control. There appears to be a pandemic “emergency” to get ill intentions of pedophile rings away from our children. It appears to be the monarchies that are living unhealthy incestuous lives of which low moral value can spread & intensify by connecting infecting perpetrators.
The monarchies & criminal organizations appear to me to be dangerously ill, from being left above the law too long & need to be removed from positions of control. It is the writer’s opinion that the monarchies with Freemasons intend pockets of genocide globally, now & ongoing. The laws being passed around the world violate volumes of individuals trying to peacefully co-exist. The laws allow perpetrators to offend as long as they appear perfect & are elite, while draining & falsely criminalizing the victims. This could bring the world to a state of environmental, financial & legal crash. Literally squeezing out the bare right to life.
Citizens need to start applying brick wall legal arguments in court with or without counsel. Having no counsel is less damaging & costly then your position being sold out to the opponents or neglected as the circumstances largely appear in Canada. The draining of Legal Aid can be partly due to lawyers who have sworn foreign or phantom allegiances. They can take payment while setting legal snares in favor of the opponent. Legal Aid allows obvious fraud by counsels to be paid out without the true clients scrutiny of approval. Heather Robertson, is a director. If these lawyers were in an organization committing Treason, Legal Aid would be forcing Canadians to finance war against themselves.
The writer & the writers son was horribly molested in Children’s Aid care. The writers daughter, Annie Ivy-Lee Aviado b. May 10, 2000, more recently was abducted through the illegal use of these loopholes described herein causing criminal & slanderous court Orders by the Freemason favoring judges. I am extremely alarmed for her well being, being aware of the illnesses plaguing those withholding her. My family is not alone, many of my neighbors are detrimentally affected by this psychopathic & machine like criminal organization of loopholes which are not incidental or directed at just one family.
The matters are active in the Court of Appeal for Ontario but not without horrible mischief & offences ongoing against me, unjust incarcerations & mental torture allowed by officials in conflict of interest with stalker connections. I am not hopeful for reasonable decisions in that court, although my evidence is overwhelming. It is necessary to take the steps set out as a Canadian right in face of the magnitude of crimes against my family & example to the public. What relief does the final step in the Supreme Court of Canada hold? A failure of reasonable response, in these public “life against life” issues can appear as a declaration of war by the imposter authorities.
If imposter native officials had allegiance to foreign or phantom entities, any Canadian who joins the armed forces, are joining in secret betrayal of Canada. We need to build a true public protection force. Treason is a no integrity, despicable, cowardous crime. After you have examined these “loophole laws”, email your constructive views to, for a multicultural public think tank of support. Our present protections appear to be an illusion that can come to a dangerous abrupt end. We may need to unify, rethink & rethink to become a two by four in the gears of a criminally organized, psychopathic machine that appears to have taken hold of our “free native land”.
The information herein is the property of the general public, as an innate right of knowledge for security & protection under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms section 7. and the Constitution. The entire public can benefit from this same effort given now, for future protections. Constructive participation in passing on knowledge & your commentary is warranted. Taking responsible, active care of our homes & families will start with true support & an active voice of the people. The public needs to retain books of investigative past information on hard copy or disk to safeguard against the Lt. Governors book drive that can eliminate pertinent evidence in protection of the public.

Names that can concentrate strangely overlapping the Freemasons and Illegitimate children of the monarchy seem to be in positions of i) sports ii) acting iii) comedy iv) politics, v) resource centers, vi) public services & lawyers, vii) RCMP, viii) police, ix) children’s aid workers, x) children’s books and programming, xi) school teaching, xii) daycare centers, xiii) boy scouts xix) Canadian Legion members & other organizations, xx) convicted pedophiles or those involved in issues of pedophilia and murder, xxi) school shootings, xxii) serious crimes xxiii) horror novels, cop shows, talk shows, acting, comedy, movies & news, xxiv) statistics, xxv) immigration, xxvi) Amnesty International & such programs, xxvii) medical & body parts surgeons etc. (positions of authority, control, communication and access to children)

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