J) Illegitimate Phantom Monarchies?
Freemason Secret War Criminals?
It is not co-incidence that people related to the Monarchy are in control of our native systems, they are stalking and executing secret war attacks against unsuspecting families as like a psychopathic war machine. They can make changes to their names to hide their potential intent of rape and murder from the general public. These law loopholes or omissions were not just created for my family, they are designed for volumes of pain and destruction.
Some names of the families names who have bore the “Monarchy’s illegitimate children” are NOT in brackets. (The information in brackets is people involved in my family matter and other peculiar information of the communities).
[A] Aylen; Abigail, Anne (Laughane), David, Elizabeth, Allen aka Allyn (Kelly Allen, friend of Mary Aviado & Ray Allen, of Keswick?); Adair (Astair?); Adela (Dell computers?); Albert (Alberti?); Arden (Elizabeth Arden?); Argyll (Argyris); Janet Gladys Aitken (Aikenhead?); Elizabeth & Margaret Sarah Acland (Acklands-Granger?); Eleanor Acton (Town of Acton?); Catherine & Margaret (Stirling) Forbes Alexander;
[B] Babington (Bavington?); Banks; Bankes (Eubanks-Dobson, murders?); Abington aka Habington; Bayne; Bates (Bateman?); Bassett (Jacqueline Kennedy?); Barton; Barrett; Barne; Barnes; Barns; Millicent Barr (Rosanne Barr?); Elizabeth (Elkongton), Elizabeth (Groff), Joshua, Samuel, Sarah, Sarah (Jones), & Thomas Ballinger (Bellinger – child’s counsel?); Beatty; Becker (Beck Taxi – Becker’s Milk Stores?); Blew-Jones; Blood; Bloomer; Blount (James Blunt, singer - Blunt?); Bond (Bondi?); Borland (Boland?); Boucher (Hells Angels?); Bourbon; Bourne; Bouvier (Bavier – Jacqueline Kennedy?); Bowen; Bowes; Bowles; Bowes-Lyon (Pitney – Camille Parker-Bowles – Father Bowen on Oprah?); Boyce; Boyd; Boynton; Bradshaw (Upshaw – Shaw?); Braithewaite (Diane Braithewaite Friend of Joanne Aikenhead?); Brandon (Marlin Brando – Brennan?); Branford (Brantford City – Arlene Walker – Christine Edwards?); Brant (Joseph Brant, land of the Aboriginal natives?); Begon (Begin?); Bell (Bell Canada?); Bennett; Bentley; Bernard (Bernardo?); Bernhard (Sarah Bernhardt?); Bevan (Bevin?); Bishop; Bjornram; Blackadder; Blackman; Blackmer; Blackshaw (Black?); Blaeney; Blatchford; Anne (Bennell), Dorothy, Francis & Margaret Bland (Bland married to Black?); Briggs; O’/Brien (Larry O’Brien?); Burton, Bryan, Burgess (Cindy Burgess?), Burnett; Burr (Raymond Burr?); Burrow (Burrows?); Burrough; Butler; Bronfman (Dynasty?); Brooke; Brooks (Mary Connor-Brooks?); Brown (Nicole Brown?); George Herbert Walker Bush; Francis & Moodie Breckness (Bjerkness?); Dundrennan (Brennan?); Bigelow;
[C] Crowley (Alister Crowley?); Crumpton (Donald Trump – Peter Frampton?); Cullen-Ward; Cavelery; Cavaniglia (Cavion – Cuvier, Freemason?); Cromwell; Crosbie; Cross (Gloria Closs, Keswick?); Colley (Rel. of Ryan Frazer?); Collier; Collingwood (Collings?); Combes; Comin/g; Cooke; Coombs; Cooper (Anderson Cooper, son of Gloria Vanderbilt?); Coote; Cope ; _____ Corbett; Corbin; Cornewall (Keating/Cornwall?); Anne & Elizabeth Cox (Dobson rel.?); Chichester; Child; Chirnside (Ironside cop show?); Chisholm; Church; Churchill; Claiborne (Lise Claiborne?); Clark; Clarkson (Adrienne Clarkson?); Cleeve (Ted Reeve – Reeve-Newson?); Clement/s; Hinton; Clinton (Pres. Clinton?); Coke (Coke Cola?); Coles (Coles Bookstore - Coleman?); Culzean; Curzon; Cumberland (Debbie Cumberland, student of Millward?); Cuming; Cumming (Cummings?); Curie (Madame Currie?); Cadwell (Caldwell-Banker?); Cohen (Leonard Cohen?); Campbell; Carlisle (Carlisi?); Carpenter; Carr; Carrington; Carroll; Carter; Case (Andrea Case CTV?); Casey; Catlin (Kato Katlin?); Cavendish (Cavendish Mall – Cuvier – Judge Cavion?); Chambers (Cavion?); Champagne; Chandler); Chaplin (Charlie Chaplin?); Cheney; Chevers; Cheyney (Dick Cheney?); Crabbe; Cracroft; Cosby (Bill Cosby?); Cranston (Toller Cranston?); Crauford; Craven (Craven Rd. T.O.?); Crawford (Joan Crawford?); Crerar (Creal?); Crewe (Tom Crews?); Kolin (Collins – Collings?); Gobion (Judge Cavion – Judge Gavin?); Rowley (Alister Crowley?); Kostka; Kostczanka (Costco?);
[D] Hobson; Godson (Dobson – Hodgson?); Danforth (Danforth Ave., Tor.?); Darwin (The Darwin theory?); Davies; Davis (murdered?); Davison (Harley-Davidson?); Dawkin (Hawkins?); Dawney (Downey – Hugh Downs?); Dawson (John Dawson?); Dawyck; Day; Dean/e (Dean shot Dudley George?); Debevoise; Delano (Delaney?); Dennett; De Wolfe (Ron de Wolfe son of L. Ron Hubbard, Dianetics?); De coucy; DeLancey; de Keynes (Alicia Keyes?); Dick (Angela Dick – Mrs. Dick killed child & husband?); Dickson (Dixon?); Dillon (Bob Dillon?); Dillon-Lee; Disney (Walt Disney?); Dobuns (Lori Dubins?); Dodge (Dodge Autos?); Bane (Elizabeth Bain, murdered?); Dormer (Jeffrey Dalmer, murderer?); Dorcet (Doucett?); Andrea, Edda Kathleen Dotti (Diotte?); Douglas; Dudley (Dudley George?); Duff (Shirley & Ida McDuff, twins - Mike Duffy?); Duffel; Dulany; Duncan; Dundonald; Dungan; Dunlop; Dunne (Janitor Keswick - Tom Dunn of T.O.?); O’Done (Rosie O’Donnell?); Deverall; Duvall (Dave Deval?); Dyke (Dick van Dyke?); Demaivers; Danvers (Manvers?);
[E] Esse/x (Esso?); Lauder (Este Lauder?); Agelina Catrina of Modena D’Este; Este (Willard Estey – Frank & Paul Iacobucci – Estey?); Eaton (the Eaton murder - Eaton Dept. stores?); Eden/s (Barbara Eden?); Edward/s; Egerton (Gail Egerton on CTV ad promo?); Eisenhower (Pres. U.S.?); Ela (Ely Lily?); Kelke; Eliska (Elka of CAS?); Elletson (Lynn Ellisen testified Pickton – Thomas Edison?); Elliott (Superintendant of Milton Vanier Prison?); Ellis; Ellyw; Elphinstone (The Flintstones – ____ Stone friend of Brian Sparrow?); Emery; Emes (Ames?); England; English (Jimmy English?); Ericsson (Communications company?); Erroll; Erskine (Erskine in T.O.?); Erving; Esher (Usher?);
[F] Farquharson; Faucette (Farrah Faucett-Majors - Fawssett?); Ferguson; Fife (CTV News broadcaster?); Finch; Finlay (Finlayson?); Fisher; Fitch; Evan/s; Everett; Eve; Fagan (Hagen?); Falconer; Falley (Malley?); Fitgerald; Fitzpayn (Payne – Payne rel. to Barack Obama – Payne murders?); Leming; Fleming; Fletcher; Foliott (Foley?); Forbes; Ford (Ford Auto’s?); Fowell; Fowler ( Anne Flower aka as Walker?); Fox (Fox/O’Neill Affiliation: Gary O’Neill married Emily who was Amelia Siwiec or Siwek then married Joseph Goralczyk – O’Neill, King of Ireland “Clanaboy” O’Neill affiliation?); Foxley; Fraser (Frazer?); French (Kristen French – Judge French?); Freud (Sigmond Freud?); Freville; Frizzell; Fulmerston (Fullerton?);
[G] Geers (Greer?); Gavell (Gavin?); Gates (Bill Gates?); Gage; Galant; Galicia (Garcia?); Gamble (Gamble Ave. T. O.?); Gammill (Hamel?); De la Garde; Garfield (Garfield the cat?); Garland; George (Dudley George?); De Gernon; Gibbes (Geddes?); Gibbins; Gibbon; Gibbs (Andy Gibb?); Gibson; Giddings (Giddins?); Gilbert; Gill (Kimveer Gill?); Gillespie (officer Paul Gillespie?); Glencairn (Dr. Cairns coroner?); Goddard (Charged for taking her child out of country?); Godman (Goodman – Gutman?); Gold; Goodrich (Goodrich tires?); Goodwin; Gordon; Gorham; Goring; Jean Graham; Grange (Acklands-Granger?); Grant (MP Grant?); De Grassie (Grosso?); Gray (Bell stole telephone idea from Gray?); Hibbard (L. Ron Hubbard?); Hicks; Grayson (Jackie Gleeson?); Green/e (Oprah’s exercise guru?); Grenville; Gresham; Greville; Grey; Grey of Wilton (Judge Wilton-Siegal?); Gunter; Gunther; Guy (Guey?); Gye;
[H] Hackett; Hadley (Hanley?); Hackshaw (Shaw - Upshaw?); Lynes; Allen, Jonathan, Mary Jane, Sarah & Sarah Ballinger Haines (Hynes?); Malillwyd; Hallward (Edward Millward was the Welch tutor of prince Charles III - Stewart Millward my foster father & father of my son James Joseph Goralczyk?); Van Hesse; Hickman; Higgins; Hill (____ Hill friend of Darren Tobias-Galbraith, met at Random?); Hilton – Hylton (Hilton Hotel chain?); Hildyard (Gen. Hilliard?); Hinkley (Hincks Treatment Center?); Hodges; Hodgson; Holand (Boland?); Holme/s; Holmstead (Old Homstead Rd. Keswick Ont.?); Hoo (Ho – Cho?); Emily Beryl Sissy Hood; Hooker (T.J. Hooker, TV series – Hooper?); Hoover; Hope (Bob Hope?); Hope-Scott; Hopkins; Horn (Horner?); Agnes & Elizabeth Horton (Tim Horton’s, court ordered property extortion – man burns to death in Tim Horton’s Toronto?); Houston (Whitney Houston?); House; Howe; Howell; Howland (The Mayflower?); Hubbard; Huberd (L. Ron Hubbard?); Hudson (Rock Hudson?); Huse; Hugh/es (Howard Hughes?); Humphrey (Humphries?); Hunt/er; Huntley (100 Huntley St. TV prog. - Hanley?); Hussey (Hesse - Massey?); Hutton (Hatton?); Huxley (Moxley murder?); Horsman; Hamilton; Hamley; Hammett; Hammond; Hand; Harbord; Harkness (Bjerkness?); Harris/on; Hart/mann; Hatley (Hanley?); Hassal (Jim Cassels?); Hatfield; Hatton; Hawkins; Hayes (CTV Brdcastr?); Elizabeth & John Haynes (Hynes?); Mabel (Harlakenden); Hayward (Rita Hayward – David Bowie’s real name is Hayward-Jones?); Hazzard (Tizzard?); Heatley (Jeff Healey?); Henderson; Henley (Don Henley - Hanley?); Hepburn (Kathrine Hepburn aka Burn?);
[I] Inglis (Inglis Applncs.?); Ingram (Ingram family – Seagrams?); Ireland; Irvine; Irwin (Irwin killed by Stingray?); Izard (Tizzard?);
[J] Jacob (Jacobs?); James; Jamieson (Jamieson rep. For Aboriginal Natives - pharmacueticals?); Jenkin (Jenkins CTV Brdcastr?); Jephson (Katherine Jepson aka Jesso?); Jewett (Jewels – Judge Jewett?); Joachim; John (Elton John?); Johnson (Mary Johnson, Angela Malley’s mother?); Johnston/e; Jones (Michelle “Red” Jones – Holly Jones killed?); Jordon; Quincy (Quincy Jones – Quincy coroners TV series?); PiJpelinckx (Jellinek?);
[K] Creighton (Michael Creighton – Lawyer Creighton-Kelly - Layton?); Kavanagh (Patrick Kavaugh – Cavanaugh – Cuvier – Judge Cavion?); Anna (Tyrwhit), Anne (Flower), Dorothy (Mauleverer), Edward, Elizabeth,Grace, John, Lucy & Robert Kay/e; (Fowler – Flower aka Walker - Lever 2000 soap?); Keate (Keating); Keir; Kelly; Kempe (Kromkamp?); Kendal/l; Kennedy (John F. Kennedy?); Kerr; Kerrill (Merrill-Lynch?); Kerry; Key; King; Kitchen; Knowles (Klowak?); Cocke (Koch?);
[L] Claxton; Clayton (Jack Layton?); Lillie (Ely Lilly Pharmaceuticals?); Linton (Clinton?); Lister; Littleton (Kate Middleton – Judge Little?), Lloyd (Angus Lloyd – Andrew Lloyd-Weber?); Locke; Loftus (Lotus?); Lolle (Lalla-Mahatto?); Long (Lang?); Loomis (Loomis & Tooles?); Lounds; Lowndes (Lowndes Ave. Keswick Ont.?); Louvet; Lovat; Lovelace (officer Love?); Lovell (E.A. Lovell school Oshawa Ont.?); Lowe (Srgt. Lowe - ____ Lowe at Gen. Motors Oshawa – Convenience store Oshawa?); Lubomirska/ski; Luby (Luba?); Luce (Time Life Books - Occult?); Lyons; Lyter; Lyttleton (Judge Little – Kate Middleton?), Lacon; Lacy; Ladd (Sheryl Ladd?); Laidshaw (Laidlaw school bus lines?); Landon (Michael Landon?); Lang (K.D. Lang?); Lane; Latimer (Robert Latimer?); Laurence; Laurent; Laval; Lawrence; Lawson (Dawson?); Leighton; Levine; Levis; Lewis; Duke (Patty Duke – Luke?);
[M] Middleton (Kate Middleton dating prince William?); Villard; Maynard; Milwood (Millward?); McCann (Madelaine McCann murdered, her parents are doctors); McCarthy; McGregor (MacGragor?); Mackay; McKay; MacLeod; Makerness; Mallory (Angela Malley of Native Resourse Center Tor.?); McMillan (McMillan & wife TV series?); Demailly (Danilo Aviado?); Makgill (McGill Univ. Montreal – Kimveer Gill?); Malet; Mallt (Mallet – Malta St. Scarborough, Betty Ko at 19 ‘2000?); MacKenzie (Mackenzie King - Menzies?); Maitland; Malone (Maloney?); Mackworth (Mack Wine Making, Scarborough Ont.?); Madog (Madoc?); Marshall (Donald Marshall?); Marten; Martin; Marx (Carl Marx?); Mason; Massey (Massey-Ferguson?); Mercer; Merrick (John Merrick, the Elephant man?); Merrill (Merril-Lynch?); May (Elizabeth May, the Green Party?); Mayo (Meyo on CTV – Scott Bayo?); Miller; Mills; Milns; Mitchell; Modena; Monckton; Monroe; Montagu (Montagu Daycare Centers?); Montgomery; de Motigny (Montagu daycare centers?); Moodie; Moody; Moore; Morehouse; Morel (Morales?); Morley (infiltrating Afganistan?); Mortimer; Morton (Todd Morton Mills?); Muirdeen; Muirhead; Muirton (Edwards rel.?); Mullet (Mallet); de Multon; Mumford (Mountford?); Munro; Murduch (Murdoch?); Murray; Wedemeyer (Meyers?)
[N] Naylor (Taylor?); Newton (Newsom?); Nisbet (Nabisco?); Noel (Judge Noel?); Norris (Chuck Norris?); Norton (Norton Anti-virus?); Nugent (Ted Nugent?);
[O] O’Brien; O’Connor (Connor – Mary Connor-Brooks?); O’Dempsey (Dempsey’s – doing business with Brad Pitt?); Ogilvy; Oliver (Craig Oliver?); Onassis (Jackie Onassis?); Orange (Clock work Orange – Orangeville Ont.?); Orchard; O’Reilly (Bill O’Reilly – Riley, murder?); Ormiston; Ormsby (Ormstrom); Orr (Bobby Orr, hockey player?); Osborn/e (Ozzy & Sharon Osborne?); Ostrogski/ska; Oswald (Lee Harvey Oswald?); Otis (Otis elevators?); Otto;
[P] Page/t; Paisley; Palmer (Arnold Palmer?); Parris; Paris (Walcott-Paris?); Parker (Bob Barker – Camilla Parker-Bowles?); Parsons (Brenda Parsons, tenant of Aviado?); de Pau; Paul (Pope John Paul – Driver Paul of Princess Diana’s death car?); Payne; Pearson; Perrott (Alison Perrot?); Perry; Petre; Petrie; Peverell (Deverell?); Peyton (Jack Layton?); Philip; Phillips; Phipps (Walker-Phipps?); Pigot; Pike (Freemason); Pinsk (Pininski); Pitt (Brad Pitt – Minister Pitt?); Platts (Platz?); Plunket; Poley (Foley?); Pomeroy; Poole; Pope; Porter; Post; Power; Poyner; Poyntz (ticket fighting business in T.O.?); Pratt; Prescott (Prescott & Russell); Price (Rev. Charles Price?); Priest (Christ?); Primrose;
[R] Radcliffe; Radziwill (Sir Leon Radzinowicz - Edward Radzinsky - Faisal Ratansi - Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger - Esther Ratzen - Lawrence Weiskrantz - Rita Ratz, attempt obstruct justice?); Rae (Bob Rae?); Ramsay (Jon Bonet-Ramsay, murdered?); Rattray; Reagan (Pres. Reagan – Seamus O’Regan?); Redman; Redpath (sugar?); Rees; Revell (Deverell?); Reymes; Reynor; Rich; Richardson; Riddell (Waddell?); Rivers (Joan Rivers?); Roberts/on (Robertson Motors?); Robin/s; Robinson; Roche; Rochfort (The Rockford Files TV series?); Rogers (Rogers Communications?); de Rohan; Roland (aka Stanley); Rollo; Roper (Mr. Roper character on Jack Tripper?); Rose (2007 the Rose molestation Incident, 52 div., officers Bavier and Bjerkness?); Rossi; Rowan; Roe; Row (Rowe - Russo?); Roy (Carl Francis Roy killed Alison Perrot?); Rubens; Rutherford (Paul Rutherford?); Ryce (Minister C. Rice?); Ryley; Rymer (a.k.a. Ward?); de Rohan (Ropchan - Ropchan wins Lotto?); Sutton (Town near Keswick Ont.?); Reed; Reid, (Joy Reid and Amanda Jane Reid?);
[S] Alice Caroline Stanley (Stanley aka Rowland, Roland, Rolland – My Uncle Stanley Stanley); Dean Gooderham, Isabella & Margaret Acheson (Ken Acheson involved with Aviado & Acklands?); Gabrielle Schneider; Sackville; Sadler; St. Leger (Marcel Leger?); Salinger (Bellinger child’s counsel?); Salisbury; Sampson (Simpson?); Sapcott (Shapcott – Tappscott Blvd.?); Saunders (Saunderson - Anderson?); Savage; Sawyer; Scales; Scarborough; Schultze; Schwarzenegger (Arnold Schwarzenegger?); Scott; Seale (Marshall, murder?); Selby (Selby Hotel Toronto?); Seton; Seymour; Shepherd (John Shepherd – Harold Shepherd?); Shelton; Sherburne; Shields (Brook Shields?); Shipp; Short (Martin Short?); Shriver (Schrivner – Karlheinz Schreiber?); Shute (Sherry Shute?); Simpson; Sinclair; Skelton (Red Skelton?); Slater; Smalley (Smilley?); Smith (Kelly Smith, at 416 Drop in - P.C.’s Smith & Scherk?); Smyth (Rosie Smyth at 416 Drop In?); Somerset; Sparrow; Spencer (Diana Spencer – W. Churchill?); Sprague (Architects?); Squiers (Billy Squire?); Stanley; Staples (Oprah Whinfrey relation?); Stapleton; Staunton; Stewart (Stuart?); Stirling (Sterling?); Stratton; Stronach (Frank, of Magna Intewrnational - Belinda Stronach dated Peter MacKay?); Stuart (Royal line); Stubbs (name change, Stubbs to J.S. Taylor?); Di susa;
[T] Tucker; Booth-Tucker; Thomas; Thompson (Thomson?); Thorne; Tilley (The Mayflower?); Truman; Turner; Taft (Toft?); Tate (Sharon Tate, murdered?); Tailor; Taylor; Teackle (Mayflower?); Thacher (Margaret Thatcher?); Tennant;
[U] Usher; Underhill;
[V] Vass (murdered?); Verdun (Montreal?); Vaughan; Villiers (Villemere - Villamere?)
[W] Wright; McTyre (Reba MacIntyre aka Wright – Judge Wright – Joanne Wright, fertility planning?); Wilson; Ward; Warner (aka Rosenberg – Rose – Warner Bros.?); Williams; Warwick (Dion Warwick – Stephen Dion?); Watson; Watters; Wells (Orson Wells?); West (Mae West?); Wheeler (Judge Weiler?); White (Danielle White – White is Stones mothers maiden name?); Whitaker; Whiting (Whiting murder in England?); Walker (Arlene (Walker) Weber); Walsh (John Walsh, son was murdered?); Walter (Barbara Walters?); Walton (The Walton TV series?); Wynne; Winn; Winter (Winters rel. to Oprah Whinfrey – Kathleen Wynne?); Wise; Wiseman (Wajsman?); Wishart; Wodell (Wardell?); Wood (Kathy Wood – Natalie Wood?); Woodcock (Wayne Woodcock Keswick?); Wolley; Wolseley; Woolley (Cam Woolley, officer glorified for no apparent reason?); Woodward; Weever; Heber; Weaver (Weaver aka Weber - Joe Weber?);
[Y] Yates; Yalo; Young (Dr. Young oversaw Dr. Charles Smith’s false allegations against parents?);
ALSO: Gore (Al Gore rel.?); Slaughter; Guise; Hoar; Jekyll (aka Jewell, Jeggons, Jeckell, Jiggen, Jickells); Hyde (Dr. Hayden?);
Thursday, January 24, 2008
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