Thursday, January 24, 2008

True Native Dictionary

M) True Native Dictionary
This writer’s additions or changes are in bold:

"Aborigine": Appropriate bold additions to Webster's definition: 1. one who is biologically of the original or earliest known inhabitants of a country or a region.

“Acting”: Webster’s: 1. serving temporarily, esp. as a substitute…. 2. the art, profession, or activity of an actor. 3. falsifying with charisma. 4. to claim or profess falsely. 5. pretending, 6. make believe. 7. lying or misrepresenting.

“Anti-Christ”: Appropriate bold additions to Webster's definition: 1. an opponent of Christ, 2. a false Christ. 3. a spiritual force void of conscience whereas the mind is entertained by enacting falseness, pain and destruction.

“Apprehension”, You and the Law 1973, with corrections in bold: arrest, seizure or taking into custody of a person to answer a criminal charge or taking into custody of a child for protection from harm while the parent answers to a charge whereas the child is the alleged victim or at risk.

"blackmail" Appropriate bold additions to Webster's definition: 1. a payment, gain, extraordinary comfort, act or statement extorted by intimidation, as by threats of injurious revelations or removal of rights that there ought to be. 2. to subject to blackmail.

Pedophilia and necrophilia are predisposed to silence and blackmail because if a person can be convinced to participate in that crime, the threat of that crime is over their heads and a tough ring of silence grows. There is also blackmail used to keep the victims quiet. The general public has to get more resourceful in protection of our communities in their own right to policing powers and to investigate and collect evidence.

“Canadian”: Undivided as belonging to and an equal part of Canada and it’s people

"client": Hotly in dispute of the Webster's definition: "2. a person receiving the benefits or services of a social or government agency." Correction: "2. a purchaser of products or services from an individual or business in an open market.

It is the taxes of the people who fund the Resource Center's by entrusting our elected members to properly disperse the funds for specific resources for our own use. In no way do the funds belong to the elected member, secret organizations or the British Monarchy. Therefore the participants are not “buying or selling” anything in an open market but are funding a platform of participation to promote “unity” within the Community as “a bare right”. People who attend tax funded Resource Centers and services are “participants” not "clients".

Freemasons and the Monarchy would like to name true Canadians to be "clients" because it implies a false sense of unnatural need above the common people and is “slander”. The participation contacts can be twisted into a negative "stigma" rather then exercising the right to participate in the Community. This can grant infiltrators secret unjustified power over the discredited participants in a legal setting. The word “client” grants authorities, possibly tainted information from the Resource Center workers, in secret, without the participants knowledge and therefore without the right to defend. If the materials aren’t legitimately submitted to the courtroom and the participant is not told of it’s existence, the legal decisions can become seriously prejudicial. The “word client” in the dealings of Resource Centers can enable war crime against the public.

Included in the definition of "Resource" is: 1. a source of……... support….. 4. capability in dealing with a situation or in meeting difficulties. Participants of Communities have the right to unify as support without stigmatization and to build education & capabilities to deal with real community ongoing circumstances. To have a support system there must be supporters, and those supporters are participants of the community, it is not a “buy / sell” market. A community should promote principles of a balance of self-regeneration through Resource Centers and Services, not stigmatization. Freemason predators are illegally & secretly protected above the moral law of the said community and could have an ulterior motive to be in control of the operation of Resources. The services of the Resource center staff are not being purchased in an open market, the funds are dispersed from one hand to the other, from the public to itself. The salaries of the hired employees are drawn from that pool of money whereas the public is the employer.

“conspiracy”: Webster’s: our true Native correction 1. a) the act of conspiring, b) a collective will of intent whereas the results of an act or omission, of action that there ought to be, is being created by the collusion of subtleties between two or more persons working complimentary and simultaneously to obtain an illegal or immoral goal. 2. a group plan to commit an unlawful or evil act. 3. the persons involved in such a plan.

“conspire”: Webster’s: 1. to agree together, esp. secretly, to do something wrong, evil, or illegal. 2. to act or work together toward the same goal.

“Communism”: Webster’s: A system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, 2. based on Marxism, seeking a classless society, 3. a system of social organization in which all economic and social activity is controlled by a totalitarian state.

“Demo-communism” Definition by A. Goralczyk: A system of social organization based on joint ownership of all property in common or held in trust by the state, 2. based on seeking a classless society, 3. a system of social organization in which all economic and social activity is dictated by the freedom to choose in good will by each individual citizen or through representation of an elected member.

“Democracy” correction of Webster’s in bold: 1. Government in which supreme power is exercised directly by the people or by their elected agents. Correction: Government in which supreme power is exercised directly by the people or through their elected agents.

“Discrimination”, You and the Law 1973, with corrections in bold: any failure to treat individuals equally; under the Canadian Bills of Rights and under reasonable provincial codes by anyone, official, organization or contracted government representatives by discrimination, secrecy or separation between persons on the basis of race, belief, freedom of speech, political stance, activisms, religion, color, sex or legal and responsible sexual orientation is illegal.

“Eastern Star”: True Native Party Def.: 1. A female Freemason paedophile. 2. A female Freemason who’s position is kept secret from the public by the false perception that females are not allowed to be Freemasons. 3. is an infiltrator to families and public services involving or affecting children for the purposes of providing access to children by pedophiles, psychopath trainers and body parts surgeons who are Freemason in particular in a manner concealed from the public. 4. The front line secret war crime army of the Freemasons who are more likely to murder by silent, feminine, modern, unsuspecting methods such as poisoning rather then masculine guns and uniforms. 5. A woman who marries a Freemason paedophile to give the false impression to the public of a perfect family. 6. A woman who marries a native citizen for the purposes of extortion for the benefit of Freemasons upon divorce or separation by contacts through fraudulent court orders of Freemasons judges.

“Extortion” You and the Law 1973, with corrections in bold: the action or intention, alone or in collusion with others of extracting anything or anyone, especially children, property and money, from a person by force or by undue exercise of authority of power.

“for”, specifically of, Jesus died “for” our sins: Webster’s, appropriate meanings in bold: 2. intended to benefit or be used by: eg. Medicine “for” the aged. 3. In order to obtain, 4. in return for, 5. appropriate or adapted to, 6. with respect to, eg. Pressed “for” time, 7. during the continuance of, 8. in favor of, 9. instead of, 10. on behalf of, 11. in exchange for, 12. in honor of, 13. with the purpose of reaching, 14. In consideration of, 15. as being, eg. Knew it for a fact, 16. because of, 17. in spite of, 18. to the extent of, 19. (used to introduce a subject in an infinitive phrase): eg. It’s time for me to go. 20. because. (for the reason that 2. because of, by reason of; due to.)

In the English language there are often many meanings to a word. Also over time language evolves and changes. The original bible made it clear that the wording of the bible should not follow those changes and remain original to it’s meaning of the words of that time period. Now, it seems hard to come by to find an original bible, as the populations are flogged with illegitimate re-writes that only deserve the respects of being ignored or used to study the damaging misrepresentations of fraud.

It seems obvious that the meaning of “for” in the issues of the murder of Jesus did mean “due to” our sins which does not imply any exemption from responsibility. It appears that we had yet to be “reached” in the continuation of incomplete character growth that Jesus was steadfastly and adamantly trying to convey as his death having occurred proves.

It is my position that imposter priests switched the true meanings of many teachings, to the opposite of the truth, after Jesus’ death and of the word “for” as in Webster’s definition point no. 8. & 12 and others. This spinning of the meaning implies that we are exempt and free of responsibility of our sins, which is not so. We have yet a lot to learn in being “reached” as the circumstances surrounding Jesus’ death appears to be an overlay of cause and effect of what is happening today. It seems that Armageddon is the same intent that destroyed Jesus in a much larger scale in death toll. This opposite meaning taught by trusted priests have lead societies around the world into ease of conscience concerning committing murder.

“Freedom”, Webster’s: the state of being free. 2. political independence. 3. personal liberty. 4. exemption; Immunity. 5. ease or facility of movement or action. 6. frankness, as of speech. 7. a right, as of citizenship or membership. 8. the right to frequent, enjoy, or use at will. 9. the right to be a family.

“Freemason” Definition authored by the view of A. Goralczyk: Appears to be a clique of criminally organized families, that are phantom by not representing a specific country or race but of a borderless principle of thinking. Appear to infiltrate countries of the world under the guise of "do-gooder" in “assistance” in trust to “become in positions of authority” for unjust secret illegal purposes as a tyrannical “new world order”. Appear to be infiltrated into the police, judges, party members, ministers and to appear as general citizens and of every level and biological origin. In joint conspired intent, take positions of custodial main supports of a community for control.

The primary focus appears to be the molestation of children to break and confuse national native defensive unity & to extort and defraud property and natural resources whereas the court judges appearing to be in allegiance to a criminally enabling “Her Majesty” position, appear to be one of the tools used of extraction. The goal appears to be to re-direct the children’s minds, to join forces against his/er own country and into Treasonous Freemasonry principles. This is also known as "brainwashing" to the opposite of the truth by some of the family members targeted.

Attacking families and children, true Canadian soldiers to be, and extortion of inherent property rights appear to be war strategy as an alternative to fighting adults with guns in proper uniforms. The adult Freemasons, appear to be stepping back a generation and in secret war attacks against the children who are Native born multicultural true Canadians and Aboriginal while “appearing” to be of assistance. While other of their organization members, some biologically related and in a variety of life status appear to stalk and criminalize the parents while taking control of the children into psychopathy and to train to become tyrannical controllers instead of supporting the nurturing family. Media sensationalizing of extreme cases (See Dr. Charles Smith) is a unjustified basis that appear to be used in the striping of any average citizens rights. Broadcasting time can be used to produce false glorification and distract through fiction and fantasy while funneling large pools of community funds.

Freemason principled surgeons, doctors without borders and unregulated coroners even appear to be in a legal position to commit genocides to gain from the abductions of persons for body parts, and completely hide it from the public or focus the blame on another source leaving themselves completely above the law, through the obvious neglectful omissions implemented under the guise of “good faith”. Loopholes appear conspired and hidden in intentional confusion and unnecessary complexities and bureaucratically torturous, unnatural and divisions of legal issues that are truly one overlapping inter-affecting matter.

Freemasons are ancient and may be responsible for creating the dividing labels of religions and even the murder of Jesus as the circumstances of operation then seems to overlap theirs today. They are likely responsible for the pressures behind the school shootings, a volume of violent major crimes and appear in close association with the principles and desires of family members and associates of “Her Majesty”. They appear responsible for genocides completed, from a custodial position, and re-positioning “as assistance” for control of the resulting “aftermath”.

Freemasons appear to demand & and be fueled by silence and to be the most extreme criminals of the world, in trying to gain tyrannical control of individual lives and countries, as a result of their own implemented exemptions of responsibility to answer to law. Their apparent practicing inappropriate sexual and reproductive principles over generations, including rape, incest, necrophilia, multiple inseminations, birth preventions, volumes of illegitimate children & polygamy as a result of their principles of above the law class association would not grow mentally healthy leaders over generations. Appear to misuse the legal immigration, mental health & criminal court systems as weapons of war crime.

Their appearance is of phantom presence simultaneously with totalitarian like control and operating on rotting principles rather then based on a country or race and resembles a machine, in unstoppable common intent. They appear to have made an illegal business out of manufacturing psychopaths including from their victims and redirecting them to become the army against other victims. The result can only lead to rape, extortion, fraud and disrespect to the bare right to life, in the most extreme without protection.

Holding the lead in educated knowledge and controlling that information allowed to the general people, appears to be a main strategy in stupifying the targets like for “spot hunting” and controlling who later gets into the positions of control. The grades of education from kindengarten to grade 4 or 5 can be done as home schooling with in school exams only, and free up money for students to be covered in the later university years. TV programming is more focused on and saturated with, fiction, glorification, sex, sports and violence instead of being used in a better balance for educational programming. The Freemasons appear to want personal access to the very young children. The Monarchy and Freemasons could be the cause of the third world war and ultimately Armageddon.

“Judgment”, You and the Law 1973, with corrections in bold: a judicial decision based on evidence, equality; resolution and moral reason.

“Kidnapping”, You and the Law 1973, with corrections in bold: abduction, seizure, detention and confinement of a person by force or fraud or under the guise of law; the unlawful carrying off of or withholding a person usually for the purpose of obtaining ransom, to unjustly cause forfeit of real or personal property, on fabricated grounds for purposes of breaking the stability and family unity of a community or nation or intimidating a person from rights of freedom of speech, association and or belief that they ought to have.

“Kleptokidnapmania” a seemingly irresistible urge or impulse by an individual or individuals in positions of authority in criminal collusion and or abuse of process to steal the children from families or a community without justifiable cause in true law but for an ulterior motive or purposes of war crime; the abduction of children under the guise of law by a criminally shared irrational element of intent or criminal symptom permeating a system into insanity and anti-socialism that would otherwise be able to be reasonable, resolving and sane.

“Legal Aid Society” You and the Law 1973: an organization supported by public funds that offer free advice and representation in court to persons who cannot afford legal counsel. Contracting Publics corrections: a public organization formed for the contracted duty of managing our multicultural native Canadian public funds that provide a guarantee of equal balance of advice and representation to prepare for and in court, to provide equal benefit of rights and protections in law to persons who cannot afford legal counsel.

“Liberty”: Webster’s, Random House, w/ bold corrections: 1. Freedom from despotic government or rule. 2. Freedom from foreign rule; independence 3. Freedom from unjust risk, threat or torture of bondage, captivity, or physical restraint 4. Freedom from external control or interference, obligation etc.; freedom to choose 5. Often, liberties, an act of impertinence, presumption, or excessive familiarity 7. The freedom or right to be in or use a place 8. At liberty, a. free from unjust risk, threat or torture of captivity or restraint b. unemployed; out of work. C. free to do or be as specified,

“Malicious Prosecution”, You and the Law 1973, with corrections in bold: a civil or criminal action begun or continued with the intention of injuring the defendant, their children, their rights to their children and property or rights and ability to access equal justice or freedom of speech, without cause to believe the charges are true or possible of being sustained at law.

"Native" Appropriate bold additions to Webster's definition: 3. devoted to and remaining true in "belonging to" the original inhabitants of a region. 5. originating naturally in a particular region.

“Oath of Allegiance”, You and the Law 1973: a solemn statement confirming loyalty to the Queen and obedience to the laws of Canada; required of immigrants before the granting of citizenship. (An Oath of open admittance in intent of Treason by the British Monarchy against Canada by use of foreign persons to outnumber the multicultural native born citizens.)

“Omission”, You and the Law 1973, with corrections in bold: neglect or failure to perform some act required by law, to write reason protections into law or policies or by private obligation. To avoid religious truth for purposes of undermining the supremacy of God. The refusal to allow a child to be a litigant and have a voice by being properly informed, present and represented in legal hearings and by their own sworn affidavits and submissions regardless of age. To mislead by silence.

“Orphan”, You and the Law 1973, with corrections in bold: a person who (usually as minor) who has lost both parents. This does not include a child extorted from his or her parent/s by a foreign or ungoverned organization based on fraudulent misrepresentation, refusals of access to justice or where the child has a parent who is “hotly in dispute” of unjustly being denied access to their child.

“Participate”: Appropriate bold additions to Webster's definition: Webster’s: to take part or have a share, as with others; A mutual respectful right of belonging based on existence

“Pedophile Hag” Definition by A. Goralczyk: 1. a pedophile, 2. a person who enables or allows pedophilia, 3. a person who provides access, through action or inaction, by a pedophile to a child in exchange for convenience, gain, gratifications or relief from intimidations. 4. a person who trains a child’s thinking into pedophilia and or silence concerning pedophilia.

“Prosecute”, You and the Law 1973, with corrections in bold: to proceed legally against a person of which evidence shows a real possibility of guilt of committing a crime in a criminal action.

“Prosecutor”, You and the Law 1973: the Crown Attorney who conducts criminal proceedings on behalf of the Crown, or the public. True Native Corrections: the Attorney contracted by the province who conducts criminal proceedings, against persons where there is a real possibility of guilt on behalf of the multicultural and aboriginal true native public.

“Racketeer”, You and the Law 1973, corrections in bold: Anyone who lives by crime; a member of an criminally organized gang, occult, organization, agency, institute or Monarchy, colluding illegitimate or non-inherent ascendants of Monarchies or other, of lawbreakers who enact abuses and extortive or fraudulent measures or law designs; especially one who blackmails, enslaves, pimps, threatens, tortures, misleads, murders, rapes and or intimidates for unjust convenience, gain, power, control, possession, right of way, access, abuses, or dark entertainment at the expense, loss, violation or harm to another.

“Religion” Appropriate bold additions and changes to Webster's definition: 1. a set of beliefs concerning the nature and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency. Corrections: 1. a set of beliefs congruent to nature, acknowledgement of the necessity and supremacy of God and good over evil, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considering the belief in a higher power as a supreme divine love, example and creator of the universe including mankind.

"Resource" Webster's : 1. a source of supply, support, or aid, esp. one that can be readily drawn upon when needed. 2. resources, a country's means of producing wealth. 3. Usu., resources, money or property; assets. 4. capability in dealing with a situation or in meeting difficulties.

"Torture" Webster's : 1. the act of inflicting excruciating pain, esp. as a means of punishment or coercion. 2. extreme anguish of body or mind….

Defining persons present in Canada:

1. Aboriginal Native's: Aboriginals who have remained true to their Native land & are the true and "rightful" leaders of Canada today and are illegally suppressed by foreign phantoms;

2. Aboriginal Freemasons: 1. are former Aboriginal Natives who have treasonously sworn allegiance with i.) an offensive Monarchy; & or ii.) the Freemasons criminal organizations; or iii.) any organizations or individuals; under their direction. 2. In intent, have become a secret infiltrating war criminal that enables on-going secret war attacks and mischief against their own true fellow Aboriginal unsuspecting leaders, people and primarily the re-routing of the minds of the children against Native unity. 3. have an appearance of, or personate a friend, neighbor, community worker, authority or custodial position for malicious accesses. 4. arrange to bring Native children into contact with Freemasons. 5. Cannot be differentiated from Aboriginal Natives outside of the issue of principles. (Native principle is to “not lie” and Freemason principles “are to lie”.)

3. Multicultural Natives: are persons born citizens of Canada who remain devoted to ideals of true Canadian roots but whose previous ancestors have migrated into Canada from another country.

4. Multicultural Freemasons: Can be of any nationality including British ancestry, & were first victims of or trained by Freemasonry. Some may have stalkholm syndrome or under black male. The children are taken over by Freemasonry who can alter the destiny of the family line, integrity and culture. They can become an infection of anti-social personalities destroying family principles. These children can be empty enough to take on a secret infiltrators position, while posing as simple citizens, to commit horrible mischief and disruptions in attack of members of their own nation, family, or be sent to another country as peace keepers or army to do the same. Higher level Freemasons view these controlled lower level Freemason tools just as disposable as the citizens of the countries they are being used to take over. Freemasons hold them selves in illusion of false glorifications and superior over the rest of the populations.

5. Immigrants: Persons who are, with legal consent, visiting inside the Country for various lengths of time and for various proper purposes.

6. Unregistered Immigrants: Persons in Canada that do not have legal authorization to be in Canada, or have assumed citizenship for fraudulent or malicious purposes.

Some types of Court Cases in Canada:

1. A Freemason with criminally organized contacts within the public service authorities as a favor exchange or trade program verses a True Multicultural Native Citizen. Probability: Freemason wins regardless of evidence. (This case: multiple connected Freemasons as affecting parties verses a true (polish) Native Canadian and her child)

2. A Freemason of level 29 verses a Freemason of level 03, both with contacts within the public service authorities. Probability: Freemason level 29 wins regardless of evidence.

3. A True Multicultural Native Citizen verses a True Multicultural Native Citizen with no such criminally organized premeditation. Probability: A fair decision will result from the examined evidence or judge will make a personal decision of preference between the parties.

4. Ideal: The people verses an alleged offender who is a True Multicultural Native Citizen or foreign offender of the jurisdictions of the people. The unfortunate Actual: Freemasons: i. in favor of preferred alleged Freemason offender; or ii. criminalize alleged offender who is a True Multicultural Native Citizen of the general population; regardless of evidence, as an undercurrent of loopholes. iii. A Freemason allowing some fair decisions for purposes of a false media and public re-assurance.

LAW SECTIONS & Playing with Numbers:

6. ccc. Presumption of Innocence 6. War Crimes Act is Genocide 6. Controlled Drugs and substances is import & export laws 6. Charter of Rights is Mobility Rights 6. Canada Evidence Act.: Evidence of physically / mentally disabled 6. Youth Crim. Justice Act is police may decide not to charge a youth, give warning & refer to program or agency

46. ccc. Is High Treason 64. ccc. Is Riot / Unlawful Assembly
46. FLA. Order restraining harassment 64. FLA Unity of personality abolished
46. CFSA Detention of Child 64. CFSA Application
46. CLRA Lt. Gov., British Rep. Child Law Convention 64. CLRA Child entitlement to be heard

60. ccc. Sedition Words -Exception
66. ccc. Punishment for unlawful assembly
600. ccc. Change venue / move prisoner
666. ccc. Is Evidence of Character

Sections: singular is 6.,
6. X 10 = 60, section 46. (4 + 6 =10)
60 X 10 = 600, section 64 (6 + 4 = 10)

Criminal Code Example:
6. ccc. X (4 + 6. ccc) X (6 + 4. ccc) = 666. ccc.

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