This section will be continued…..
--- Ronald Schwartz Grand Master of Michigan Freemason Lodge approx. 1975
--- Albert Pike:
--- Hon. James Deverell Horsman, politician, b. Camrose Alberta July 29, 1935, is son of George Cornwall and Kathleen (Deverell), Shriner (Freemason),
--- Joseph Patrick Kennedy’s close friend was Henry Luce of Time Inc. (Freemason)
--- Trevor Richardson 1998, Boy Scout leader, 5 counts indecent assault,
--- Captain Joseph Brant b. 1742 d. 1807, and (friend?) Rev. John Stuart
--- Sir Owen Willans Richardson 1879-1959 was "knighted" in 1939.
--- Joseph Frederick Kennedy b. London Ont. Sep. 29, 1926, son of George Cornelius and Agnes (Ida) McFarland K., children are George Richard, Robert Wayne, Engineer, Masonic Lodge No. 22,
--- William Patrick Kelly is federal public servant b. Toronto Mar. 24, 1924, is son of Patrick Joseph and Alice Lavina (Dennison) K., married Jean d. Earl Hooper son is Michael Patrick Kelly, Order of Canada 1984,
--- CTV Oct. 26, 2007: The one hundredth "Order of Canada" ceramony & medal.: Alex Cobert/ Colvert?, Beverley McLaughlin, chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, is the head panelist. Conrad Black. Valerie Pringle, Celin Dion, Kathryn Cita Jones, Anne Murray, Over 500 members in Canada. Nelson Mandela, Dr. Norgrove Penny,
The Epoch Times Oct. 25, 2007: "Order of Canada": Dr. Austin Mardon, Robert Aitken, Michael Ames, A.C. Anderson, Doris Margaret Anderson, John Bartlett Angel, Bona Arsenault, Dan Akroyd, Vaughan L. Baird, Michael Barnes, Joseph J. Barnicke, Duncan Gordon Blair, Liona Boyd, Larry Cain, Arthur J. Dixon, George Dewar, Marion Dewar, Catherine Doherty, Shannie Duff, Howard Dyck, Iwan Edwards, James Francis Edwards, Fraser Elliott, John R. English, Jean Ashworth Bartle, Bruce Beatty, Douglas Leslie Dewey Bell, Norbet Berkowitz, Ferdinand Biondi (Bondi?), Ione Christensen, Wayson Choy, Austin Clarke, John Clarke, Harry B. Cohen, Joseph H. Cohen, Martha Cohen, Gerard Cote, Toller Cranston, Maxwell Cummings, Dal Richards, Judy Feld Carr, Graeme Ferguson, Hugh Fisher, Malcolm Forsyth, Waldron Fox-Decent, John Fraser, John Kenneth Galbraith, Sheldon Galbraith, Lennie Gallant, Peter George, Ronald Gillespie, Margie Gillis, John Borden Hamilton, Christie Harris, Ted Harrison, Stu Hart, E.J. Hughes, Bernice Thurman Hunter, Bill Hunter, Tommy Hunter, Aldea Landry, J. Conrad Lavigne, Trudi Le Caine, Dennis Lee, Leonard Lee, Ranee Lee, Arlette Lefebvre, Jean-Louis Levesque, Daurene Lewis, Lennox Lewis, Ray Lewis, Colin Low, Alan Mills, Ed Mirvish; David Mirvish, Patrick Morrow, Marion Alice Orr, Sean O’Sullivan, Ferguson Jenkins, Ben Johnson, William Johnson, Lynn Johnston, Diane Jone-Konihowski,, Douglas Jung, Charles Keating, Red Kelly, Garry Kennedy, Dave King, Thomas King, Donald C. MacDonald, John Keiller MacKay, Murray McLauchlan, Buddy MacMaster, Natalie MacMaster, Rita MacNeil, Ruby Mercer, Trevor W. Payne, David Phillips, Hugh Pickett, Jackie Rae, Fiona Reid, Marion Loretta Reid, Boyce Richardson, Jack Richardson, Doug Riley, Doris Saunders, Irving Schwartz, Hugh Segal, Lloyd Shaw, Ken Shields, Martin Short, David Chadwick Smith, Ernest Smith, Steve Smith, Herman Smith-Johannsen, Harold Steele, Frank Stronach, Sam Sullivan, William Tetley, A. Ross Tilley, Roger Tomlinson, Otto Tucher, George F. Walker, Jack Webster, Lucillie Wheeler, Tracy Wilson, Rose Wolfe, Joseph Yu Kai Wong, Noreen Young.
(1813) in Baltimore & illegally in U.S.: Patrick MacFarland age 33, 12 years in U.S., has wife and child, stonemason Oct. 11, 1813. Also illegal are George Dobson age 29, is a printer. John Duffy, age 26 a comedian.
--- Barney Williams is Bernard O’Flaherty 1824-76, actor of Irish parentage (Williams rel. to the Monarchy – Crown John Flaherty?)
--- Elio P. Bellon: Knights of Columbus, Grand Knight at no. 12454, husband of Sharon Woods. Father of Carol and Carlo Mastrodicasa, Diane Sanders and William Reilly, Sandra and Stephano Fortini (Comforti?), Laura & Matthew Clymer, Paula Bellon & Ian McIntosh.
-- Book “In the Minds of Men”, Darwin and the New World Order by Ian T. Taylor 1931 to 91: persons mentioned in the publication are: Robert E. D. Clark 1948, Bernard I. Cohen 1955, Georges Cuvier (Cavion?) [1817] 1978, W. Coleman 1964, Edwin Colbert 1949, P. Kurtz & E.H. Wilson 1973, T. B. Layton, M.M. Payne 1965, M. B. Sobell (Sobie’s – Strobel?), L. C. Sobell, William Thomson 1865, Arthur J. Thomson 1932, Wyville Thomson 1875, R. Campbell Thompson 1929, W.R. Thompson 1958, P. V. Tobias, A. C. Walker 1978, R. E. F. Leakey (Jack Lakey rel.?) 1978, August Wiseman 1891 (Wajsman?), Greer Williams 1969, D. J. M. Wright 1971, Francis A. Yates 1964, Wilhelm Weber is co-worker with Karl Gauss 1804-91 (Gosse?), Catholic Cardinal Nicolas Wiseman (Wajsman?) 1836, Claude Villee 1977 (Villemere?), William Thomson see Lord Kalvin, S. K. Runcorn: Dynamo Theory 1955 (Roncon?), Hugh Moore d. 1972: crusade to curb population, John Lightfoot, Lewis Leakey, Richard Leakey (Lakey?), C. S. Lewis, Horace Lamb, Ivar Kruegar, John M. Keynes, James Hutton (Hatton?), Aldous & Julian Huxley, Thomas H. Huxley, A. Holmes, Joseph Hooker (Hooper?), Robert Howard, Ernst Haeckel (Jeckell?), Asa Gray, Robert Graham, Edmund Gosse, Henry Goddard, Francis Bacon, James Frazer, Robert Royfitz (Ratz?), Arthur Conan Doyle, Eugene Dubois, Murray Eden, Arthur Eddington, Havelock Ellis, Eysenck & Karnin, Charles Dawson, Darwin-Wallace, Erasmus Darwin, Francis Darwin, George Darwin, Leonard Darwin, Robert Darwin, Arthur Fisher 1973, James Frazer 1890, Charles Boise 1959 (Boyce?), Robert Chambers, Charles Bell, Henri Bergson, Alfred Binet, Emil Borel (Borins?), G. W. Harper 1979, William James 1902, Edmund D. Gill 1970, Lord Acton, Matthew Boulton, Davidson Black, Edward Blythe, Robert Broom, William Jennings Bryan (Bryant?), H. M. S. Beagle, Henry Bates (Bateman?), Thomas G. Barnes 1971, Francis Bacon (FM), Aurora Ont., Coilliam Albright, A. Ecker 1851-59, Michael Edwardes 1971, J.L. Anderson, P.L. Bender 1973, Ralph Belknap Baldwin, Johan Bjorksten 1963, D. P. Black 1933, David Black 1979, M. Bowden, Sidney Caine 1963, Marie Caskey, Allan Chase, Georges Cuvier (Cavion?) – re: “brain weight” after 1793
Thursday, January 24, 2008
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is there any proof that William Thomson, Lord Kelvin of Glasgow, was a Freemason?
I would like to meet you one day face to face and tell you how much of a bad mother you are. You are so concerned of your daughter who is alive and very well and show no concern for your 28yr old son who because you where such a neglectful mother had to have CAs and Foster Care raise your son. You have messed that Man up something beyond belief. Did you realize you are a "Grandmother" of an 8 yr old boy. Who you will never ever see because you can't get your life in order to make a family for yourself. You will most likely not recieve this comment but I am still posting it for you and anyone who comes across this information you are saying the Government is doing to you or has done to you. The things you have said to your son when he was younger where on called for and not words for a parent to say to their child. So you where rapped and got pregnant. Is it James fault that he was brought into this world unknowing what a family is supposed to mean and have strangers raise him so he can try and be a better man to society and his son. You have shown him nothing most of his life. Does that not bother you. I live with all your bad decisions day in and day out with your son. I reassure him he is not a bad man and it is not his fault he has had a hard life. That is all on you and will be until the day your son gets burried into the ground. Did you know because of the crap you pulled with your son he almost died of alcohol poisoning. James has never been right because he has not had his mother to show him the true meaning of life. It has taking me almost 2 years to finally get this man to realize he is worth something and he is a good father and a great man. If you can't look at your son because he is a product of rape or for what your reasons are then maybe you should try and talk with your son and tell him it is not his fault nothing he has done being brought into this world is his fault. You would be rpoud of your son he has come along way and you shuld be there as amother for him to say "hey you know what James you are amazing" Give this man what he needs so much in his life. A MOTHER. Come to your senses and be a women,a mother, a friend to your son. You owe him at least that much for fucking up his life so much!!
If by chance you do read this and you want to get ahold of me please feel free
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